Sunday, January 11, 2015


SC - Scoring Chance. Any shot taken from the home plate scoring chance area.

SA - Shot Attempt. SAs branch into these mutually exclusive subsets:
  1. SOG - Shot on Goal
  2. MS - Missed Shot
  3. BS Blocked Shot
  4. P Post

SU - Setup. Awarded to players who pass the puck to a teammate who then takes a shot. SU is like an assist for a Shot Attempt (so naturally we also collect SU2s - the 2nd assist of a shot attempt).

Tr - Transition play. A shot in which the first or second setup pass comes from the defensive or neutral zones.

Cy - Cycle play. Shot attempts in which both the first and second setup passes come from the offensive zone.


These acronyms are used in conjunction with one another to describe a play. For example, SC SA is a scoring chance shot attempt. SUSOG is a Setup Shot on Goal (I'm paying special attention to these because SUSOGs are about 50% more likely to go in than SOGs that aren't setup by a pass). 
You can get as crazy as you like with these - I read a Tr SC SUSOG as a transition scoring chance setup shot on goal.

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